Category: Healthy Living

Electronic Cigarettes versus Medical Nicotine Inhalers: A Debate

Medical Nicotine Inhalers If you’ve ever been a smoker and tried to quit, then you are well aware of the fact that this no easy feat, nor a laughing matter. Nicotine addictions have been scientifically proven to be as damaging to the neural system as heroine addictions, in point of withdrawal symptoms experienced when trying […]

Why it’s important to be healthy

There’s precious little time these days, with our increasingly hectic lifestyles, to look after our health properly. However, it doesn’t need a great deal of time and effort to look after our general wellbeing, and our prospects for continued health now and into advanced age will be considerably increased if we take the trouble to […]

Walking briskly to live long and healthy life

Walking should be an aerobic exercise.  Aerobic means that exercise is carried out at a comfortable pace to ensure that the muscles have sufficient oxygen available. If you are gasping for breath, you are doing anaerobic exercise, however, egular aerobic exercise done three times a week for 30 minutes or more will result in increased […]

Does Exercise Damage the joints?

According to the experts, doing regular muscle-strengthening exercises will help reduce your risk of having an injury, even if you only play sport for fun.  Everybody knows that exercise is critical for good health and vitality.  Exercise is widely promoted in as being beneficial for weight control, disease management in cardiovascular disease anddiabetes, and for […]

Sitting Shortens your Lifespan

Stretching your legs more often may save your life. While no one would be surprised to hear that active people live longer, you might be surprised to learn that even if you exercise every day, sitting for long periods can shorten your life span. Read on to find out what the studies say and how […]

Importance of Exercise For a Healthy Life

The pressures of home and family life can also mean it feels as if there’s little time left to fit in exercise. It’s certainly tough to get started. So, it’s worth thinking about what you gain from regular exercise and making even a partial improvement to your fitness. Physical inactivity is an independent risk factor […]

Do Breast-Fed Baby Boys Grow Into Better Students?

Adding to reports that breast-feeding boosts brain health, a new study finds that infants breast-fed for six months or longer, especially boys, do considerably better in school at age 10 compared to bottle-fed tots, according to a new study. ”Breast-feeding should be promoted for both boys and girls for its positive benefits,” said study leader […]