Stress At Work

Stress At Work

In the modern lifestyle, stress at work has become a natural phenomenon of almost every workplace. Regardless of any profession or occupation or designation, work stress has crept into everybody’s life and is posing a threat to the physical and mental well- being of the people or workers which in turn affecting the health of organizations too.

Stress at work can be defined as a chronic disease which is occurred by the conditions in the workplace and negatively affect the physical and mental performance of an individual. Some of the typical symptoms of work stress can be anxiety, depression, loss of concentration, irritation, insomnia, fatigue, regular headache and physical illness etc. Researchers have concluded that if job stress is not controlled at time, it can interfere with your productivity and make your life terrible and painful. Hence, stress management is very necessary to cope up with the increased pressure at your workplace. Here are some suggestions-

Set Realistic Goals

Realize your skills and tailor your job to your skills. Don’t try to set unrealistic goals for you which you can’t handle yourself and which make your work stressful. Get rid of extra duties which are not quite important. Learn to say ‘no’ if you are not ready to take the responsibility and ask for help if you really need it.

Talk it out

When you feel that you are stresses, the best way to reduce it to share your feelings to your near one. Talking about your worries and getting support and sympathy is an excellent way to reduce stress.

Relax and breathe deeply

The easiest way to cope up with your stress at work is to take a deep breathe through your nose. This will boost up your oxygen level in the body and make you recharged to do your work more efficiently.

Take a short break

Try to take small breaks from your workplace. Get away from your work chair and stroll for some time. Sit on a park bench or do little meditation or just roam about in the block are good options to handle your stress at work.

Be positive and be happy

We know that laughter reduces stress. So always try to be pleasant and happy. Develop a positive attitude and learn to accomplish yourself on your little achievements. Enjoy every little moment that makes you happy. You can also share a joke or funny incidents with your colleagues to create a touch of humor at the workplace.

Be organized

To plan everything in an organized way is a great way to reduce your stress at work. Stay organized with your time and your things. Maintain the habit of decluttering in your home as well as in your office. It will save your time and make you more efficient with your work and hence minimize the stress.

Take sufficient sleep

To enjoy a sufficient and sound sleep is a very effective tool in managing stress at work. Adequate sleep would boost up your energy level and concentration to work more effectively and pleasantly.

Listen music

Listening to your favorite music helps a lot to relieve your stress at work and makes you forget all your worries for some time. So whenever you get short break from your work, listen songs at your iPod and say good bye to the stress.


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