Having a baby is supposed to be about miracles, love, and bringing a new life into the wonderful and exciting world, not about anxiety and unecessary worries. As such, it almost goes without saying that private health insurance is a must in this scenario, since it provides both the new mother and her offspring with the peace of mind and comfort required for a good start in life. In this day and age, however, many have come to regard holding a private health insurance policy as something of a luxury. While the attitude is, indeed, warranted by the increased costs of everyday life, we advise you to read on and then decide for yourself whether or not it’s worth investing in the well-being of mother and future child.
Obstetrics Insurance
First off, while accidents do happen, you’d be best advised to plan ahead for bringing your little bundle of joy into the world. Among other aspects worth considering, such as a nursery and living arrangements, you should also be aware that not all insurance policies automatically include obstetrics. Applying for this benefit requires a twelve-month waiting period, both for new customers, as well as for those who have switched from a non-obstetrics plan to one that also includes this specialization. What is more, some policies will only grant you limited benefits for up to two years of you being a client. If you’re looking to get pregnant, as well as investigating the advantages of giving birth in a private hospital or clinic, it is advisable to have been on an obstetrics-inclusive cover for at least three months before the start of the pregnancy—this will help you qualify for coverage on private hospital services. also, check with your insurance provider to make sure that you are appropriately covered for obstetrics.
Outpatient Services are a Must
Health insurance in Australia does not cover anything except in-hospital treatment. While Medicare might take care of some of the additional costs, such as blood tests and scans, without private health insurance you would still not be covered for GP visits and other similar expenses. The cost of medical care varies widely across the country, depending on the area where you live, as well as the specific procedures that you require. However, an estimated cross-country average for the year 2010 indicates that the initial consultation with your general practitioner during the first month of your pregnancy can have you taking up to $69 from your pocket. Meanwhile, the same service is completely free of charge for those who have taken out a pregnancy health insurance policy.
What Does Medicare Cover?
This varies greatly from one specialist to another. Normally, Medicare will cover all hospital costs for doctors who partake in the medical gap scheme. However, should any of the specialists you consult with charge more than what is covered by the benefit schedule provided under Medicare, you can incur out-of-pocket costs that are likely to drive the costs of your pregnancy through the ceiling. This also applies to all hospitals who are not participating in any agreement with your insurer. As such, the best course of action is to make sure that your Medicare coverage will actually help you save—inquire about which hospitals it is advisable to have your baby at. Additionally, also discuss costs and fees with all your specialists. Of course, emergency situations can crop up; they are impossible to predict and often unavoidable. In such scenarios, out-of-pocket costs are most definitely going to be charged. However, opting for private health insurance for families will still take care of many other costs that Medicare and regular insurance cannot, under any circumstances, ever cover.