The relationship between the intake of different types of foods and acne is some what controversial. However, some foods are believed to be playing role in the development of acne. Many people still believe that there is no link between food and acne, and that’s just not true. There are many studies that show a relationship between the two.
The type of fat that is taken in diet is very important in acne. Saturated fats and partially hydrogenated fats play a role in development of acne. These fats are responsible for causing damage to body tissue and also cause inflammation. Partially hydrogenated fats replace the unsaturated fats in the body cells and hence they are all the more dangerous to the body. Packaged foods crackers, chips and cookies contain partially hydrogenated fats hence they cause acne.
Red meat and butter cause acne. Margarine and fried foods also cause acne. Heated and reused oils are used in the preparation of French fries and contain toxins which can cause acne. Omega 6 fatty acids cause inflammation and therefore play a role in acne and hence they should be avoided. These are present in safflower oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil and corn oil.
Carbohydrates should be controlled in diet as they cause inflammation and damage the tissue. Foods made up of wheat flour and lots of sugar should be avoided. Bakery items should be avoided as they contain yeast. Testosterone levels rises due to overeating and it can promote development of acne. Foods increasing heat in the body like spicy foods, coffee and garlic should be avoided. Foods having high glycemic substances cause acne.
Consumption of cottage cheese, cream cheese, sherbet, and partially skimmed milk and instant breakfast drinks can cause acne due to their hormone and iodine content. Rapidly digesting carbohydrates and sugar containing foods have been proved to be causing acne. Vitamin A and E deficiencies are found to be associated with acne formation.
Water is one of the most important factors when cleansing the body. It’s very important to remain hydrated to aid in detox symptoms like fatigue and headaches. However, it is noted that warm water has the most effect on the body. Not only will it give you a feeling of fullness, but unlike cold water it also cleanses the body specifically the colon.